Rosa Parks in front of the bus.

  Rosa Parks sitting on the bus.

Rosa Parks having her fingerprints taken after her arrest on December 1, 1955.

 Prison photo of Rosa Parks.

Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 


Rosa sitting in the park on a bench with Dr. Martin King Jr.

  A popular picture of Rosa smiling.

Rosa Louise Parks 

The bus Rosa sat on while refusing to give up her seat. This is before they                                                  cleaned it and put it in Henry Ford Museum. 


This is after the bus got cleaned and restored to its original state ,and then put in Henry Ford Museum


Where Rosa sat on the bus.


Rosa Parks is honored in the U.S. Capitol with the Congressional Gold Medal.


Rosa with President  Bill Clinton.


Presidential Medal of Freedom that was awarded to Rosa. 

    President Bill Clinton talking with Rosa after she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

 Two medals that Rosa received.

  The bus stop where Rosa got on the bus.



The dress worn by Rosa on the day she didnt give up her seat. 

  An autograph by Rosa Parks.

  Rosa at a rally for African Americans.

 Rosa Parks signature in her favorite color pink.

  Rosa Parks with Correta Scott King,                  the wife of assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1988.


The spot where Rosa Parks' home was in Detroit, Michigan ,and where she died. 


Men carrying Rosa Parks in her coffin.

 Rosa Parks coffin.  


President Bush paying tribute to Rosa Parks. 


Rosa Parks' funeral where everyone is paying there respects to Rosas' family.

  Thousands of people waiting to say goodbye to Rosa.


People filled with sorrow and paying there respects in front of Rosas' coffin.

 Rosa Parks buriel. 

   The Parks family tombstone.